It was a very carb-centric Thanksgiving holiday, starting with this smoked salmon pizza. Rather than a recipe, I have given suggestions below since my son and I had very different ideas as to how this should be made. Since this was his first visit home from college, I let him have his way with this, but still think that I am right...You will probably have your own ideas as well.
Make or buy your favorite pizza dough. The one that I used is here. I made it the day before and let it sit in the refrigerator until about an hour or so before I needed it. You can buy ready made in the frozen section of the grocery store, or buy a ball of dough from your favorite pizzeria as well.

Cook the dough as instructed. My son spread the crust with a thick layer of cream cheese before putting it in the oven. I would have preferred to bake the crust blind and then slather it in sour cream that had been cut with a bit of lemon juice, chopped green onions and chopped dill as soon as it came out of the oven.
When the dough is cooked through, remove from the oven. Cover generously with smoked salmon. We used both thinly sliced smoked salmon and the flaked version, but either or would work as well. The residual heat from the pizza crust will heat the salmon.
Garnish with chopped dill, capers and green onions.
Definitely worth making during the holiday season as it is festive, not difficult or time consuming.
Takes under 30 minutes (plus 4 to 24 hours of proofing time)